FEZ Gomel-Raton's export up by 15.6% in 2024

FEZ Gomel-Raton's export up by 15.6% in 2024

In 2024 merchandise exports by companies residing in the Gomel-Raton Free Economic Zone (FEZ) increased by 15.6% year-on-year, Head of the FEZ Gomel-Raton Administration Antonina Yezhova said during a press conference held to sum up last year’s performance, BelTA learned.

According to Antonina Yezhova, the products manufactured in the free economic zone are export-oriented.

“Goods worth $1.6 billion were exported in 2024. Over the year, merchandise exports surged by 15.6%. We are one of the leading free economic zones in Belarus in terms of export growth,” she stated.

Antonina Yezhova pointed out that the share of FEZ residents in the total export volume of Gomel Oblast amounts to nearly 40%. “This is a worthy contribution of our residents to the social and economic development of the region,” she emphasized.

“We are constantly exploring new markets and expanding our exports. The leaders in consuming our products, certainly, are Russia and Kazakhstan. Nowadays we also supply our products to Africa and China. It is a great pleasure to see that we are concluding more contracts for exporting our goods and that they are in demand abroad,” she said.